Saturday 20 October 2012

How To Attract Birds To Your Garden

I love to watch Canadian birds in my garden. This article will show you how to attract birds to your garden.

There are three key elements needed to attract birds to your garden:
  1. Bird feeders: Set up a variety of different feeders to cater to different types of birds. For example, different types of feeders are used to supply peanuts (for Woodpeckers, Nuthatches & Blue Jays), suet (for Woodpeckers), Niger seed (for Goldfinches), millet and sunflower seed (for other finches, cardinals etc) and nectar (sugar-water) feeders for hummingbirds.
  2. Perches and Shelter: Plant shrubs and small trees to provide protection and places to perch near the feeders.
  3. Source of Water: Set up a bird bath, fountain or small pond to provide fresh water.

I have set up various bird feeders throughout my backyard, with a fountain and a good selection of shrubs and flowering plants. Here are some of the Canadian birds that are attracted to my garden:

Female Cardinal

American Goldfinches

Blue Jay

Ruby-Throated Hummingbird

Rose-Breasted Grosbeak

Hairy Woodpecker

I hope you found this article on How to Attract Birds to Your Garden interesting.

If you love birds you might also be interested in Canadian Birds,  Canadian Birds in my Garden and How to Create a Ruby-Throated Hummingbird Habitat.

Happy bird watching!


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